Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Still Can't Believe It...

We are having
So let me back up and tell you the whole story so far...
Jason and I were VERY excited to be able to share with our families and friends that our biggest Christmas present was finding out that we were expecting baby #2.  We have been thrilled since we found out.  Well our first doctor's appointment was on January 6th.  Jason met me there.  And my wonderful, wonderful doctor always does an ultrasound at the first appointment, so we couldn't wait to see a tiny little flicker of a heartbeat.  So being completely nervous, anxious, and excited we waited to see that little picture pop up... and here's what we saw...

My mind knew exactly what that meant, but I just couldn't get it to really register for some reason.  It seemed like an eternity before the doctor said anything, and finally she said "Y'all would do that to me, wouldn't you?!".  At that point I screamed.  And Jason said that it was at that point his eyes were able to refocus and realize there were TWO things there!
Stunned ... shocked... it doesn't even begin to describe what we felt.  The thought of twins had NEVER crossed our minds.  The only twins in either family are his cousin's children.  That wasn't close enough to ever hit home for us.
Anyway... of course, all we wanted to know is if both of them were healthy... and YES, we have TWO healthy little beating hearts that are forming perfectly so far!
We are completely overwhelmed with how good God is to bless us with such an amazing gift.  So humbled, and so, SO thankful!!!
But we will both tell you that it has been the biggest surprise and it's come with its emotional ups and downs already.  Of course we immediately think through the "HOW" questions... money, time, energy, supplies, etc., etc.  In fact, the doctor even advised us to take a few weeks and keep it to ourselves-- for one, because we were still very early and in the riskiest part of pregnancy; and two, to let it really sink in.  And we came to find out that that was very wise advice because it took some time for us to spend just with each other talking and praying through this.

So, we've now seen our little babies twice so far; and we had great reports both times.  And we truly could not feel more blessed.  We are praising the Lord for RICHLY blessing us with our growing family.  And spending a lot of time praying over these sweet babies, my body during this pregnancy, and what God has in store for the future of our family.

We'll definitlely keep you updated! :)


cathy said...

Kelly, I am still so excited for you two!! I smile everytime I think about it. I am praying for you daily.
love you, cathy

Caitlin said...

ahhhhhhhhh!!!! I literally screamed when I read this!!!!!! congratulations! I can't wait to meet these precious babies!!! praying for all FIVE of you! LOVE YOU!