Thursday, June 23, 2011

30 Weeks

We really didn't know if we'd make it this far, so today is a big deal to us!
God has heard and answered SO many prayers and making it to this point (and beyond) has definitely been one of them.

I had hoped to be going home by now, but that's no longer the plan...
I will go for days feeling great and then start back into contractions for no apparent reason. So because of that my doctor said she'd feel better too keep me in the hospital for at least another week. And as much as I miss home, I know that it's best to just stay put. In fact, I think I'm the only one in my family that even wants me to go home :) There is a lot of security in knowing that when things start to go wrong that it will be taken care of immediately.
(But when/if the time comes that I do get to go home I will be one VERY happy girl!)


Jason Pendley Photography said...

You're just beautiful! Such a sweet & cute baby bump...and, you're having twins!!!! How in the world can you look this good? :)

So happy to see an update, and, gosh, I know that you want to go home, but, you know, like you said, if something happens, it gets taken care of immediately...I find lots of comfort in that, and I'm sure all of your family does too.

Are they feeding you good in there? I'd love to bring you some junk food if you like...of course, I'm sure your family and friends are taking care of that:)

Can't wait for the next update!!!!

Still praying....Summer :)

Ashleigh said...

you are ridiculous cute! HOW are there two babies in there??? Yay for 30 weeks and the weeks to come!!