Sunday, September 11, 2011

Twins ~ One Month

Our sweet babies are already ONE MONTH old!
In some ways it's hard to believe, but at the same time, I just can't imagine life without them!

They've grown SO much!
I know that the newborn stage goes so quickly, but when they were born so little (compared to Brooklyn) I thought they'd stay that tiny at least a little bit longer... not so.
Especially Emma... she was our smaller one at birth, and now she's way bigger than Sophie!

If you remember, when they were born, I said they were great sleepers.  Well, I knew it wouldn't last!!
Turns out that just because they're twins, they don't do everything alike... who knew?!!
I don't know why I ever thought that they'd just automatically eat at the same time and sleep at the same time, but I was crazy enough to actually believe that.
No longer.
It is work, HARD WORK, to keep them on the same schedule.  
(Much less, trying to figure that schedule around their big sister's!)
So, it's a work in progress, but the good news is we ARE making progress.
Usually their days are fairly predictable.  Feedings every 2-3 hours, easy-going and happy for the most part.  But something happens around 7:00-ish at night... 
sometimes they are hungry every 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes you can't hardly wake them up!
Sometimes they're super fussy, sometimes they just lay as calm as can be.
If I get at least one 4 hour stretch between nighttime feedings, then I count that as a good night.
And, thankfully, the majority of nights are that way.  But there have been a few exhausting nights where they just refuse to sleep and eat at the same time... those are rough!
{That usually catches up with me about once a week.  I have a good cry, Jason hugs me and then takes the girls out to give me a breather, and then I'm back to feeling good!}

Everything takes a lot more preparation, patience, and planning ahead now.  Just putting all three in car seats and taking them out somewhere is a pretty big adventure.  (Thank goodness that the babies can both fit on one side of a double stroller and Brooklyn on the other!)
Every time we leave the house, Jason looks at me and asks (in complete seriousness) 
"do we have all three?" :)


I'm not exactly sure how much she weighs, but I'm pretty sure she's around 8-1/2 pounds.
Size 1 diapers.
Is just starting to fit into 3 month clothes.
Spits up after every feeding.
Tends to eat and sleep a little better than Sophie.
Emma now has a birthmark on her forehead.  It just showed up when she was almost 2 weeks old.  It's a little "strawberry" above her right eyebrow.  
(It's a good way for us to tell other people how to tell them apart!)


She gives us lots of little smiles!
But when she's mad, she will definitely let you know it!
Sophie has a harder time winding down and getting to sleep.
Size 1 diapers.
Clothes 0-3 months.
Probably weighs around 7-1/2 pounds.

This first month has been challenging, but we wouldn't change a thing in the world!
These girls have filled our hearts with so much love and happiness.
I love being their Mommy.  I love taking care of them.  I love watching them grow every day.  I love how much they've already added to our family.
We are head over heels in love with them!

Oh, and, P.S. they've made us do something else we thought we'd never EVER do...
we've started to highly consider a minivan!!! :)
(Special thanks to Cathy Meadows for that!)

1 comment:

cathy said...

he he he, I am waiting on that post of you in your hot mama mini van!! The girls are beautiful. Can't wait to see them again!