Sunday, March 11, 2012

Twins ~ 7 Months

Sweet, SWEET girls!

They are at a good place right now... more consistency in their schedules, but still very flexible with whatever the day is like.  We don't hear a peep out of them from 7pm 'til 7am. And even then, they just lay in their cribs and entertain themselves until we go to get them.
They're wearing size 6-9m clothes and size 3 diapers.  And they're starting to move to eating every FOUR hours... that may not sound like a big deal, but having an extra hour between feeding, packing up, getting somewhere, and turning around to come home to eat again is SO NICE.  And they've loved every bit of baby food they've been given so far... as well as whatever Brooklyn has secretly fed them :)
Sophie is definitely our more social, interested in what's going on around her, come talk to me, come hold me, come play with me, kind of girl.  Emma is our active, determined, strong, but easy to please girl.  It's so much fun to see the similarities and differences in their personalities.

~~ SOPHIE ~~

  • She's become so much more laid back!  She's still shows her feelings a bit more extremely than Emma does (be it happy or sad), but overall she's pretty easy-going.
  • In fact, she's easier to put down to sleep... it doesn't get more simple... just about every time you lay her down, she turns her head into her blanky and drifts off.  No fussing, no crying.  Just sweet sleep.
  • Sophie has TWO teeth!  Her bottom, middle teeth have poked through and they're so cute.  But they took the poor baby down for a few days... growing teeth is rough stuff.
  • She babbles "words" quite a bit.  It's the beginnings of "da-da", "ma-ma", but definitely not distinctive yet.
  • Still hasn't rolled over yet!  She acts like it, but just decides to stay put.  Jason and I are pretty sure she has the ability, just not the desire!
  • Trying to sit.  Can hold it for about 5 seconds before toppling over.
  • Such a pokey eater!  You really have to work to get a jar of baby food into her.

When she's done, she's done... she'll fall asleep anywhere!

~~ EMMA ~~

  • She rocks, she rolls, she kicks, she jumps, she flips... you name it, the girl does it if she can.  And if she can't, she's trying!
  • Right now, she does the cutest thing... when she's on her tummy, she kicks and pops her legs to get her moving.  It's definitely not crawling yet, but it's movement!
  • She does pretty good at sitting up too for a few seconds.
  • She fights the carseat and getting laid down to bed, but only for a minute, and then she's good.
  • You can't eat near Emma... she will find a way to get whatever it is!
  • Both girls LOVE being outside, the warm sunshine, and walks in the stroller.

It is hilarious to watch Emma get going in her jumpy seat!

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