Monday, June 11, 2012

Twins ~ 10 Months

That about sums up these girls.
They are always active, going, busy, moving, getting in to things...
but when it's time to wind down and go to sleep, they're the best little cuddle bugs.  
The only bad thing is, if it's just me or just Jason with them, there's no time to sit and hold and snuggle just one... there's always someone else waiting and wanting to be held :) 
(which is a pretty great problem to have!)

Both of the girls will occasionally clap and wave bye-bye... but definitely not on demand.
They LOVE hearing music... they both start shaking their whole bodies and bobbing their heads.
Now that they can sit/stand in their cribs, they get up to look at each other when they wake up.  It's the cutest thing... we watch them on the monitor talking and giggling at each other.
They eat just about everything now.  Although they're starting to dislike being fed... they prefer finger foods so they can feed themselves.  The pictures below were from the first time they had ravioli.  Needless to say they loved it.  Every meal ends with more than half of the food on the floor, squished in the highchairs, and smeared in their hair... I'm pretty sure I clean babies and food at least 12 of 24 hours in a day :)

~~ SOPHIE ~~

She can finally get from her tummy up to a sitting position.  But so far, no movement.  This baby would MUCH rather be held and carried than try to figure out how to get somewhere on her own :) 
(and most of the time she gets her way).
She will laugh at a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g.  Hearing her belly laugh will instantly make you start laughing too.
This little chick has a mouthful of teeth coming in... 4 more on top... NOT fun.
She's super ticklish.

~~ EMMA~~

Even though no one else has heard it, Emma has said "ma-ma"!  Jason thinks I'm making it up, but she and I both know she's said it :)
Emma will grunt when she wants something... like when she sees me getting food ready for her.  It's her way of saying "hurry up!"
This girl is fast now.  She mastered crawling and went straight to pulling up.  Now that's old hat to her.  No signs of actual steps yet, but I have no doubt it's coming.  
And, yes, she's found the stairs...

playing so hard all day makes for some tuckered-out baby girls!

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