Saturday, August 11, 2012

Twins ~ ONE YEAR OLD!!!



These girls are absolutely precious. Sweet as can be. Biggest surprise blessing imaginable.

This past year has been a big whirlwind of happiness, craziness, 
fun, difficulties, overflowing joy
... and just plain tough.
It's definitely a challenge, but we LOVE IT. 

The day we found out we were having twins was one of the most emotional days of our lives.  I vividly remember praying (and crying) that night (so excited and so thankful, but so overwhelmed) and I felt the Lord speak as clearly to me as He ever has:
"I want to grow your faith.  I've chosen to do that through a BIG blessing!  But that doesn't mean it won't be hard.  And you're going to need Me."
So that may sound crazy to you, but not if you've been in a place where You desperately needed to hear from the Lord, and He clearly answered.  That is an amazing thing and something you never forget.
And, let me tell you, e-v-e-r-y bit of that has been true.
Jason and I both have had to trust in the Lord and lean on Him in new ways this past year. And we couldn't be happier, more humbled or more grateful that Jesus chose to work in our lives this way...
seeing His love in 3 beautiful girls every singe day!


So at ONE year, here's what Sophie and Emma are doing:

~~ SOPHIE ~~

  • 19-1/2 pounds.
  • Giggles!  We love to hear her get tickled about anything.  She's got the most infectious laugh.
  • Standing up.  Cruising.  She has tried to stand up on her own.  But most of the time she drops down and takes off crawling... with her right knee UP... so funny.
  • Both girls have said "dada", "mama", "nana/nanni", "papa", "ball"... but nothing is said very consistently... well, except for "dada"!

~~ EMMA ~~
  • 21-1/2 pounds.
  • Pulls up to stand, but doesn't show any interest in walking yet.
  • Makes absolutely HILARIOUS faces! She turns her eyes down, pushes her lips out... it is very clear how Emma feels about something by the look on her face!
  • Loves to crawl all over the couch.  And one of her favorite things is to sit in the baby rocking chair and let Brooklyn put bracelets all up her arms and legs.
  • They've both inherited Mommy and Daddy's sweet tooth... somehow they know when they see a treat and they go crazy to get a bite!

1 comment:

Ashly said...

love the update! Happy 1st birthday to your babies:) I love that you heard God speak to you that way. What an awesome way to grow your faith!