Monday, April 11, 2011

19 Week Update

Both girls are growing and doing great!
We are always humbled by such good news.  It is truly miraculous to see these two sweet babies moving, waving, and kicking.  And this is the appointment where they check each organ and limb in great detail... it's amazing to see... and even more amazing to be encouraged that they are doing so well.

Baby A:
She's on my left side and a tad bit smaller- about 11 ounces- 

but she seems to be the more energetic of the two.
I have always felt kicks and movement a little more on that side, and the ultrasound showed us why... she's all over the place!  She literally turned from top to bottom while the tech tried to chase her around!

Baby B:
She is on my right sided.  She was a calm, laid back little thing.  And slightly bigger- 12 ounces.  The tech did see a small speck of calcium in her heart.  However, she and the doctor assured us that since there were no other issues noted that it was not worth worrying about.  So we're not! :)  We trust the Lord to continue to create her perfectly in His image.

So, they do have names (beyond A and B)...

Emma Faith and Sophie Grace

Figuring out names can be hard enough, but especially when there are two!  So how did we come up with these?...
Well, I have always loved Emma so that was definitely on the "list".  And I had wanted matching names, so I thought Emma and Annabeth would be cute.  But I could never sell Jason on Annabeth.  Then one night he and I watched the movie "Life As We Know It"... well the little girl in the movie carried a ducky (just like Brooklyn's) and her name was Sophie.  And after that Jason was set on the name Sophie.  I loved it but still wanted the matching names.  However after MY family agreed with Jason, it was pretty much a done deal :)
And their middle names...
it was our way of tying all three girls together... since we have Brooklyn Hope.  And we felt like they were sweet, Godly qualities that we pray each of our girls will have.
{And we also decided that if it was cheesy that it wouldn't matter except for birth announcements and graduation announcements anyway!! :) }

And we've also decided to wait until we see them face to face to decide who will be who!

As for me:
I have to start watching my activity.  I can't do as much as I was used to.  Or even as much as I still feel like I can.  That's harder for me than I realized it would be.  I can't pick Brooklyn up every time she wants me to.  I have to be mindful to sit down often.
So since my appointment my mind is swirling around with things I need to get done while I still can.  But I know all that stuff doesn't matter in the least compared to keeping these babies healthy.


Beth Goff said...

I cannot believe you are having twins! I cannot wait to tell my mom!! That is wonderful!

aimee said...

I LOVE the names so very much!!! I can't wait to meet the sweet little babies!!! Praying for you! Please know that if you need anything at all I will be there is a heartbeat. Love you!