Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello Couch-- We're Gonna Be Good Friends

Where to begin?...

Well I had a doctor's appointment today- it was supposed to be a quick recheck of a few questionable (way too early changes) that had been seen last time.

While I was sitting in the waiting room, I looked up & was surprised to see Jason walk in. I was not expecting to see him so I was very excited to find out that he had already made plans with my Mom and Nana to make sure Brooklyn was taken care of so we could have a lunch date after the doctor. So sweet and thoughtful!

We went in for the tech to do the ultrasound. And while our baby girls are doing great (HUGE PRAISE!) my body isn't holding up quite as well. But we were very encouraged to hear that things actually looked slightly better than 2 weeks ago. So we were feeling pretty good as we waited to see the doctor.

Dr. Robbins called us in and asked about how I'd been feeling. When I told her that I had been having quite a bit of cramping and pressure- everything changed She became very concerned. As we talked, she explained that we are at a very crucial time in this pregnancy. Being 21 weeks puts us too early for any medicine (to hold off my body from wanting to go in to labor) to work. So the only option is BED REST. Those are the words I have dreaded hearing all along and I REALLY didn't think it would happen this early. When I asked her what my day is supposed to look like, she said "well, pretty much get up, eat breakfast, lay down, eat lunch, lay down, eat dinner, lay down and go to bed. And sitting up doesn't count. I have to be LAYING. (At this point it was all I could do to hold myself together).
She went on to explain that there is a small glimmer of hope-- if we can make it a little further along there's a chance that we can lighten up on some of this. But because the best way to keep the babies growing healthy and my body as strong and healthy as possible, the only thing to do is rest.
So here's where a million questions of HOW??? come in ... Most of all Brooklyn.
But VERY THANKFULLY our families immediately assured us that it WILL work out. We still don't know how exactly, but I know that's where FAITH comes in. We KNOW that the Lord is with is in this and He will provide and He already has all of this planned out for His glory. We just have to do our part to faithfully look to Him every step of the way.
Now, although I truly do believe that, I did spend the majority of today with uncontrollable crying episodes. (Even a not-so-nice waitress at Shillings experienced it-- and I'm sure she's still talking about the "crazy girl who lost it when she was told she couldn't substitute her salad for a side dish." Yes, that was me!!) Anyway... There have been a lot of tears but i really do know and believe that God's hand is in this and I'm going to do my best to learn everything He wants to teach me throughout this time.

What a PERFECT day for Jason to show up! I'm SO glad he was there. I really needed him today. And I literally can't put in to words how my heart wants to burst with gratitude and love for how our families and friends have encouraged us so much so quickly. I hope and pray that I can in turn give back the blessings that they've given us.

1 comment:

coolercorner said...

Oh my sweet Kelly! Bedrest stinks but it is the best thing you can do (I know you know that). Please, Please let me know how I can help! Praying that those sweet babies stay put!
